Category Archives: people of faith

Good works, faith-rest, and a rubber squeeze coin purse

Your heart is like a football-shaped rubber squeeze coin purse. If you won’t work to continually hold it open to God and to other people, it will suddenly snap shut. Much that is called Christianity is merely human effort and … Continue reading

Posted in faith in God, faith walk, faith without works, faith-based, football, heart care, heart connection, justification by faith, people of faith | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Faith isn’t blind belief (Experiential faith matters!)

I believe that many Christians go along with and repeat miracle stories too easily–without adequate evidence and without being fully convinced. They sometimes even use the phrase “Fake it till you make it,” to justify their stance. But is that … Continue reading

Posted in faith, faith in action, faith in God, faith stories, faith-based, people of faith | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Faith focus — trusting Christ, not accumulating stuff

Keep faith always in front of you & fear will be forced to stay in the rear. When we have no idea what to do if God doesn’t come through; we can either stand on faith or give up in … Continue reading

Posted in author and finisher of our faith, by faith you are saved, Deep in my heart I do believe, evidence of things not seen, faith comes by hearing, faith healing, faith in action, faith in God, faith walk, faith without works, fight the good fight of faith, hearing with faith, how to experience a miracle, I'm a believer, living out your faith, miracles, people of faith, practical faith, seed faith, sharing your faith, trust in God, Uncategorized, working of miracles | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Participatory Pentecost

The first Pentecost was participatory as the power and presence of the Holy Spirit fell on all the people present in the place and they all spoke up and praised God as prompted by the Spirit. Pentecost was not a … Continue reading

Posted in Acts, Acts 2, Bible, Bible quotes, biblical Christianity, book of Acts, founder, General William Booth, open church, open forum, open mic, open mike, open sharing, organic church, pentecostal experience, pentecostals, people of faith, people of God, quotation, Quotations, quote, Quotes, Salvation Army church, Salvation Army Corps, Salvation Army Nashville, Send the fire, simple church, Spirit's flow, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, Spirit-led church, Spirit-led interaction, Spirit-prompted, tongues, tongues of fire, William Booth | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments

Why Some Christians Don’t Want To Be Called Christian

Some people of faith who follow Jesus Christ don’t want to be known by the word Christian.  They prefer other names such as Christ-follower or believer.  Why? *  Some people feel that the word Christian has been so compromised that it … Continue reading

Posted in alternative names, being religious, belief system, believer, Christ, Christ followers, Christian, Christian values, Christianity, Christimacy, Christimate, commitment, compromise, intimacy, Jesus, Jesus Christ, maligned, marginalized, mocked, obedience, obedience is better than sacrifice, people of faith, political correctness, political issue, political views, politicized, politics, politics and religion, resurrection, resurrection of Jesus, Western religion, Western society, Western world, Why be a Christian? | Tagged , , , , , , | 9 Comments