Category Archives: sinsanity

The Amazing Process of Grace

“God loves you, but not the dumb things you do.”  (Does anyone never do dumb things?) The dumb things we think, say, or do separate us from God. But God offers us an intimate relationship with Him through the process … Continue reading

Posted in for by grace your are saved, forgiveness, gives grace to the humble, God resists the proud, God's grace, godliness, godly sorrow, grace card, grace definition, grace of God, growing in grace, growth in grace, holiness, living in grace, repent, repentance, sanctification, saved, saved by grace, sinfulness, sinner, sinning, sins, sinsanity, understanding grace, wages of sin, what is grace | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Mental Health Note — Sinsanity

Here’s a mental health note about sinsanity. If you try to build your sanity on sin and self, you will sink under the sifting sands of sinsanity.  Sinsanity will drive you hazy.  Your conscience will become dull.  You won’t know … Continue reading

Posted in alienated, biblical Christianity, choice, Christ, confused, conpulsions, conscience, cravings, depression, desires, dull conscience, Jesus, Jesus Christ, lost, mental health note, obedience, religion, right from wrong, sifting sands, sinsanity, submission, surrender, surrender to God | Tagged , , , , | 9 Comments