Category Archives: priest

No more boring church misrepresenting Heaven!

If a church service is boring, it’s not like Heaven. Heaven is the most Spirit-led place in the universe, so why doesn’t church train us to follow the Spirit to get us ready? Be led by the Spirit: Deliberately delegate the daily … Continue reading

Posted in Bereans, Bible, Catholic priest, church sermons, church services, delegation, demonstration of the Spirit, God demonstrations, preachers, priest, priesthood, prophesy, Scriptures, sermons, Uncategorized, with a demonstration of the Spirit's power | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Lecture-ship or discipleship?

Church has replaced discipleship with lecture-ship. But no discipleship equals no New Testament Christianity! Jesus came to give you direct access to God. You don’t need a human go-between to lecture you once a week. Jesus said to make disciples. … Continue reading

Posted in body of Christ, Book of Revelation, casual church, cost of discipleship, disciple making, disciples, Gospel, how to be a disciple, Leonard Ravenhill, making disciples, ministers, New Testament, preach the gospel, preacher, preachers, preaching the Gospel, priest, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Church programs or ekklesia fire?

Question: What would happen if church meetings were built on people stepping out in faith and sharing from their heart — instead of being built on people passively watching a highly programmed presentation? Answer: God’s fire would fall and His … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Corinthians 14:26, body of Christ, church bulletin, church programs, ekklesia, holiness, lyrics, priest, purity, royal priesthood, Salvation Army, song, spiritual warfare, Uncategorized, universal priesthood, worship | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

We Don’t Have To Just Watch Church — We Can Do Church!

I’ve always found sitting and watching church to be boring (whether on TV or in person). However, I’ve found being actively involved in a meeting of Christians ministering to one another as prompted by the Spirit to be one of … Continue reading

Posted in call to ministry, call to missions, call to preach, called to preach, church on television, clergy, clergy/laity, clericalism, EM Bounds, Graham Cray, laity, layman, laymen, Michael Kelley, Michael Marshall, priest, priesthood, priesthood of the believer, quotation, Quotations, Quotes, TV evangelists, TV ministers, Watchman Nee, William Booth | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments

Beyond Spectatorship To Discipleship

Every Christ-follower is called to preach. Every believer is a minister ordained by God. The clergy/laity concept is not in the New Testament. Instead all believers are expected to minister to one another, to openly testify about their faith, and … Continue reading

Posted in André Cox, called to preach, calling, clergy, clergy/laity, clericalism, layman, laymen, laymen preaching, laywomen, ministers, ministry, ordaination, ordained, priest, priesthood of the believer, Protestant, Protestant Reformation, quotation, Quotations, quote, salvation war, universal priesthood | Tagged , , , , , | 7 Comments

March Madness Style Excitement In Church

March Madness boring?   If basketball officials acted like pastors; personally planned and programmed each play, prompted those present when to stand and when to sit, and then presented a 30 minute talk; March Madness would be boring. I’m glad that … Continue reading

Posted in basketball officials, basketball players, basketball plyaers, boredom, church format, church leadership, church services, clergy, clergy/laity, coaches, Jesus, Jesus Christ, ministers, Nashville, Nashville church, officials, officiating, organic church, pastor, preacher, priest, Salvation Army, Salvation Army church, Salvation Army Corps, simple church, worship, worship service | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

A Rock On A Stage or Living Stones Built Into God’s House?

You can’t build something by simply setting one stone on a platform in front of a group of other stones. To build anything the stones must be assembled interactively. The same is true of living stones. “You also, like living … Continue reading

Posted in alternative church, Bible, Bible quotes, holy priesthood, Music City, Nashville church, New Testament, New Testament quote, organic church, participatory church, platform, priest, priesthood, rock church, Salvation Army, Salvation Army church, Salvation Army Corps, spiritual, spiritual church, spiritual sacrifices, spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Unicycle Church or 18 Wheeler Church

Which is the most effective way to transport the Gospel to our 21st Century, participatory culture? * Clergy — Let one man do it all, like a unicycle?  (Unicycle church.) Or * Priesthood of the Believer — Let everybody participate … Continue reading

Posted in church meetings, church program, church services, church speakers, clergy, clergy/laity, clericalism, laity, Music City, Nashville adventure, Nashville church, Nashville tourist attractions, oratory, order of worship, organic church, participants, participation, participation in church, participatory church, participatory culture, pastor, priest, priesthood, priesthood of the believer, Salvation Army, Salvation Army church, Salvation Army Corps, simple church, truck | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Church, Jesus, and the Father’s business

“I must be about my Father’s business.” –Jesus We’ve all been told to “Mind your own business,” but whose business should a church (or ministry) mind?  If a church (or ministry) is really dedicated to God, shouldn’t it operate according … Continue reading

Posted in Berry Street, Berry Street Worship Center, Bible, Bible quotes, Biblical concept, control, I must be about my Father's business", Jesus, Jesus Christ, Jesus quotes, Jesus' hands, Mind your own business, Nashville, Nashville church, Nashville news, organic church, pastor, preacher, priest, quotation, quote, Quotes, Salvation Army, Salvation Army church, Salvation Army Corps, simple church, Tennessee | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Protestant Reformation — A Half-Way Measure?

Did the Protestant Reformation only go 1/2 way?  Two of the main Bible doctrines that were brought to light by Protestant Reformers (Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli, and others) were:  1) justification by faith (which was enthusiastically embraced); and  … Continue reading

Posted in belief, doctrines, history, John Calvin, justification by faith, leaders, leaders of the Reformation, leadership, ministers, ministry, Nashville, Nashville church, ordaination, pastor, preacher, priest, priesthood, quotation, Quotations, quote, reformation, religion, Salvation Army, Salvation Army church, Salvation Army Corps, Ulrich Zwingli | Tagged , , , , , , | 13 Comments