Category Archives: the wind blows where it will

Church should be windy!

Church needs to be windy — overflowing with the blowing of God’s Spirit. The stale air of this world needs to be refreshed by the windy city of God. Hierarchy and institutionalism take the wind out of the body of … Continue reading

Posted in Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit like wind, mighty rushing wind, Spirit-led, Spirit-led church, the wind blows where it will | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Air Dancer Christ-followers

As I was with a group of Christ-followers who were praying and sharing as they felt prompted by the Holy Spirit, the image of a large Air Dancer came to my mind. Are Christ-followers called to be animated like Air … Continue reading

Posted in animation, apart from me you can do nothing, bouncy houses, Christ in you, Gone With The Wind, hope of glory, mighty rushing wind, the wind blows where it will, Uncategorized, wind, wind of the Spirit | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Ekklesia let’s the risen Jesus take the wheel!

Who is most effective at steering a meeting of Christ-followers? A human leader? Or the living, risen Jesus?  If a pastor surrenders steering “Sunday services” to the Spirit, the living Jesus takes the wheel and ekklesia breaks out! How … Continue reading

Posted in Carrie Underwood, Christian embassy, Christmas music, ekklesia, God's embassy, Hebrews 11:12, Holy Spirit like wind, seeing Christ in people, seeing Jesus, seeing the invisible, song, the wind blows where it will, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Going (gone) with the wind of the Spirit . . .

A church cannot program the Holy Spirit. So why do we try? Why do we try to direct the Holy Spirit when we gather for worship, rather than humbly allowing the Spirit to direct us? The Spirit is free like … Continue reading

Posted in A.W. Tozer, Acts 2, as many as are led by the Spirit, Be filled with the Spirit, C.T. Studd, coming of the Holy Spirit, demonstration of the Spirit, discerning of spirits, don't put out the Spirit's fire, filled with the Spirit, fire of the Holy Spirit, flow of the Spirit, flowing in the Spirit, flowing of the Holy Spirit, gifts of the Spirit, Gone With The Wind, hearing the Spirit, Holy Spirit promptings, Holy Spirit teaches, How to be led by the Spirit, how to flow in the spirit, how to grow spiritually, I will pour out my Spirit, in step with the Spirit, in the Spirit, led by the Spirit, Madame Guyon, mighty rushing wind, Samuel Chadwick, Second chapter of Acts, the wind blows where it will, Uncategorized, Watchman Nee, wind of the Spirit | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

How can we see the invisible Christ? (The answer is blowing in the wind.)

The invisible working of the living God in human hearts becomes clearly visible when ordinary people are permitted in a church meeting, to show and tell what God has done. It’s an amazing thing to see! (This experience should definitely … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Thessalonians 5:19, Jesus Christ, John 3:8, organic church, Quench not the Spirit, seeing the invisible, spiritual leadings, the wind blows where it will, what to put on a bucket list | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment