Tag Archives: presidential campaign

Beyond verbal bullying and belligerent boasting!

Christ-followers are called to love our enemies, not to blast them with verbal bullying and belligerent boasting! Jesus wasn’t kidding when He said “love your enemies”! What a person is, is more important that what a person says. A man can … Continue reading

Posted in attitude, Bible, casting out demons, civility, conservative vs liberal, demons, drive out demons, flesh, kingdom of God, mass murders, mass shootings, media, media circus, persuasion of media, social media, speaking the truth in love, the Light of the world, the world for God, turned the world upside down, Uncategorized, why mass shootings, works of the flesh | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Do Americans Only Have Two Choices (Romney Or Obama) For A Better Future?

It’s the season of presidential politics in the USA.  Political conventions are in process, speeches are being made, hopes are being raised, and excitement is in the air.  On the other hand, accusations are being made and attack ads are … Continue reading

Posted in 2012, alternative lifestyle, America, American, American church, American history, American media, Americans, attack ads, biblical, Biblical concept, challenges, Christ followers, Christian, Christian history, Christian values, conventions, Democrat, faith, First Great Awakening, followers of Christ, God, hearing God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Jesus Movement, Judeo-Christian, kingdom of God, Layman's Prayer Revival, laymen, lifestyles, meaning, missional, move of God, movement, mysticism, political ads, politics and religion, prayer, presence of God, repentance, Republican, revival, Spirit-led, spiritual, spiritual awakening, spiritual combat, spiritual formation, true Christian life, USA, voice of God, wake-up call, What would Jesus do?, WWJD? | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Perhaps Abortion Should Be Treated Like Suicide

Since the 1970’s abortion has been a deeply felt political issue.  Every now and then a political candidate will talk about finding a compromise on this issue, as candidate Obama did during the 2008 presidential campaign.  Can there be a … Continue reading

Posted in abortion, birth control, boundaries, brokenness, change, choice, compromise, life, Obama, October Baby, political correctness, political issue, popular culture, presidential campaign, society, suicide, thinking, thoughts, Uncategorized, values | Tagged , , , , , , | 9 Comments