Category Archives: heart connection

Insults, race, disagreement, politics, and history

It takes no brains, no heart, and no character to call someone a demeaning name. However, if you feel a need to insult people who disagree with you, perhaps you’re not very secure in your beliefs. It’s easier to insult … Continue reading

Posted in acts of kindness, anti-bullying, black history, bullying, gun violence, healing racism, heart, heart care, heart connection, institutional racism, kindness, racism, Random acts of kindness, stop bullying, stop the violence, Uncategorized, unkindness, violence, violence epidemic | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

If you haven’t heard, perhaps your being herded

If you haven’t heard Christ’s living words burning in your heart, it’s easy to follow the herd. Are you being herded? When God blazes a new trail in your heart, it often creates a mismatch with religious tradition. Jesus’ way or … Continue reading

Posted in following Christ, heart, heart care, heart connection, heart strangely warmed, heart-felt, I am the way, Jesus is the way, sin, smoke, smoke and mirrors, spectators, spiritual warfare, tradition, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The beach ball in my heart . . .

The Beach Ball In My Heart –When life shoves me under And tries to hold me down, The beach ball in my heart Comes bounding back, Thrusting me to the surface Like a jack-in-the-box And keeping me afloat, Displacing sadness with … Continue reading

Posted in beach party, beaching it, broken heart, brokenhearted, Create in me a clean heart, discouragement, encouragement, feelings, fire in the heart, happiness, heart, heart connection, heart is deceitful, heart monitor, heart of gold, heart strangely warmed, heart-felt, heart-felt love, heartbreak, hopeful, hopefullness, how to be happy, how to cope, how to flow in the spirit, human heart, inner joy, inner peace, joy, light hearted, motivation, ocean thoughts, optimism, overcoming circumstances, overcoming depression, overcoming setbacks, overcoming temptation, peace, peace of mind, poetry, pop up, sadness, secrets of your heart, shined in our hearts, speaking from the heart, the door of your heart, the heart of worship, thoughts from the beach, Uncategorized, unhappiness | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Faith is a tsunami of the Spirit that totally transforms your heart!

Faith is not a Sunday show or religious ideas that you ought to know. Faith is a mighty, inner flow — a tsunami of the Spirit that totally transforms your heart! Check out the new book, Tsunami of the Spirit Come … Continue reading

Posted in book, faith in God, faith walk, faith-based, flow of the Spirit, flowing of the Holy Spirit, heart, heart care, heart connection, heart monitor, heart-felt, heart-felt love, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit flow, Holy Spirit promptings, Holy Spirit take over, inner coach, inner flow, inner hearing, inner peace, inner prompting, inner rivers, inner teacher, insight, inspiration, prayer, prayers, praying, praying in the Spirit, relationship with God, release of the Spirit, relevation, revival, roll over me, Salvation Army | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

God is like the human heart beat, keeping you alive, moment by moment, even when you are completely unaware of Him.

Posted in Be still and know that I am God, communion, communion with God, God with us, God's presence, God's protection, God's unseen hand, heart, heart care, heart connection, heart monitor, heart of worship, heart-felt, heart-felt love, life, next heart beat, prayer, presence of God, spiritual discovery, spiritual health, spiritual presence, spiritual reality, spirituality, unaware of God, What is God like?, Where is God? | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Hearts can explain God so much more effectively that minds can. If you can’t figure God out, slip down 18 inches and let your heart have a try!


Posted in 18 inches between the head and the heart, encounter with God, encountering God, experiencing God, explaining God, faith in God, God calling, God with us, God-given, hearing God, hearing the Holy Spirit, heart, heart care, heart connection, heart of worship, still small voice, study of God, understanding God | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Rigid Intellectualism Is The Demise Of Spirituality

Rigid intellectualism is the demise of spirituality.  You can’t intellectualize spiritual life. When analyzed and categorized and neatly filed in the back of the brain, spiritual life dies on the vine. Spiritual life freely flows from God through humble human … Continue reading

Posted in analysis, Harry Blamires, heart, heart care, heart connection, heart of worship, Heaven, Hell, Howard H. Brinton, mind, quotation, quote, Quotes, rationalism, rigid intellectualism, Samuel Tuke, secularists, spirit, Spirit of Truth, Spirit's flow, spiritual, spiritual formation, spiritual life, theology | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Without a heart connection, with the living God, life’s adrift on the sea of futility.

Without a heart connection, With the living God, Life’s adrift On the sea Of futility.

Posted in adrift, God calling, God is truly among you, God on the loose, God with us, God's voice, God-shaped vacuum, heart, heart care, heart connection, heart-felt, heart-felt love, relevation, salvation, sea of futility, spirit, Spirit-filled, spiritual, spiritual experience, spiritual formation, spiritual transformation, still small voice, voice of God | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment