Category Archives: world religions

Bible Believers Should Have The Same Rights As Quran Or Gita Believers!

Almost nobody criticizes Muslims for believing the Quran, or Hindus for believing the Bhagavad Gita. They expect the followers of those religions to believe their holy book. Yet many people criticize Christians and Jews for believing the Bible!  What’s up … Continue reading

Posted in Bhagavad Gita, Christian, Christianity, discrimination, equal rights, faith, faith in God, Hindu, Hinduism, Islam, Jewish, Jews, Judaism, Muslims, New Testament, prejudice, religious prejudice, religious rights, world religions | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Is Patriotism Ever Inappropriate?

When does patriotism become inappropriate?  If they thought about it, most people would agree that blind patriotism, unconditional allegiance to a nation, is not wise.  For example, most people would agree that enthusiastically supporting a country led by an evil … Continue reading

Posted in civil disobedience, freedom, hatred, human life, human rights, loyality, moral decision, moral foundations, moral laws, moral principles, morality, nation state, nations, right and wrong, right conduct, right from wrong, right living, right to life, righteousness, rights, spying, torture, what you can do for your country, world religions | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Deciding What To Do With Desires

Most people would agree that some human desires should be resisted (the desire to commit suicide, for instance).  However, how do you decide which human desires to obey and which to resist?  Here are some questions to ask: Is the … Continue reading

Posted in accountability, approval, character, compliance, compromise, compulsion, contemporary society, cravings, debate, deceipt, decision-making, discipline, disrespect, family values, harmful habit, harmful thinking, holiness, Jesus, Jesus Christ, moral decision, moral failure, moral foundations, moral judgment, moral laws, moral leaders, moral principles, moral restraints, morals, New Testament, purity, respect, respect for life, results, right and wrong, right conduct, right from wrong, right living, righteousness, selfish desires, selfishness, society, suicide, virtues, world religions | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments

A Rap ‘Bout Rights (Who Has Rights?)

Who has “rights”?  People like to talk and rap about rights but what are rights? What is the foundation of the concept of human rights? It’s God. If humans are nothing but randomly produced, living machines; then Darwin was correct … Continue reading

Posted in African Americans, America, American history, blacks, Charles Darwin, dog eat dog, freedom, God-given, might makes right, moral, moral failure, moral foundations, moral restraints, Native Americans, pre-natal, rap, religion, right and wrong, right living, right to choose, right to life, rights, survival of the fittest, world religions | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment