Category Archives: myths

Search engine of the heart

Many moderns build their life on the myth of selective reality. Life goes better when you play your cards from the fact deck. There are many ways to see the same situation and a lot of them are wrong. Seek truth … Continue reading

Posted in brain, brain health, ethical decision making, ethics, fake news, forgiveness, hopelessness, myths, positive attitude, positive confession, positive thinking, psychology, soul, truth, truth and error, Uncategorized, wisdom | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Content that can make a heart content

Human hearts are very relatable & connect in community when they are drawn out of hiding by authentic content. To be content is to step beyond torment, anxiety, & turmoil & let peace settle in. Quantity & contentment are unrelated. … Continue reading

Posted in buzz words, community, content of their character, discontentment, how to create community, inner peace, Martin Luther King, myths, power of words, Quotations, releasing creativity, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

A Terrorist Who Was Transformed By Christ

Here’s an example of being courageously led (and controlled) by the Spirit. A Christian in Damascus (in Syria) felt like God was telling him to go find and pray with a famous terrorist who had come to town in order … Continue reading

Posted in church history, faith, Holy Spirit, myths, real world, religion, religious persecution, unbelief | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Do The Math (Meditate On Multiple [7] Math Matters)

When you just can’t seem to figure life out — math might help.  Let’s meaningfully meditate on multiple (7) mathematics matters: 1)  Math wasn’t blown into being by the Big Bang.  It just doesn’t add up that an accidental explosion … Continue reading

Posted in addition, big bang, Big Bang Theory, cool, creation, creationism, creativity, Creator, division, fiction, figure it out, God, hardware, history, history of the universe, human history, mathematical formulas, multiplication, mystery, mysticism, myths, non-material reality, physical universe, postulates, rebellion, revolting against God, software, soul, soul food, soul man, spirit, spiritual life, square, stuff, subtraction, supernatural, theorems | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Have we been emotionally screwed by living in a culture that constantly promotes the rude, the crude, and the lewd?

Have we been emotionally screwed By living in a culture That constantly promotes The rude, the crude, and the lewd? “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever … Continue reading

Posted in alternative lifestyle, contemporary, conviction of sin, corrupt culture, cravings, criticism, cultural taboos, current condition, current events, deception, denial, disapproval, exploitation, guilt, indecency, language, lifestyles, marketing, mature language, moral failures, moral principles, morality, myths, protest, reason, rebellion, seduction, seduction of self-destruction, self-destruction, self-focus, self-will, selfish desires, sin, social media, societal, society, temptation, vulgarity | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Are Americans (And Other Westerners) Morality-Phobic?

Are Americans morality-phobic?  Is morality-phobia widespread in our land?  Here are a few questions: Are Americans so afraid of honesty that they feel the need to tell little (and sometimes big) lies? Are they so frightened of not having enough … Continue reading

Posted in abortion, alcohol, America, cheating, drugs, drunk, drunkenness, DUI, ethics, honesty, human life, indecency, lies, media, media circus, moral restraints, morality, morality-phobic, morals, movies, myths, phobias, phobic, pre-natal, radio, sex, sexual purity, sexually confused, stealing, television, values, vulgarity, womb | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Sex Is Easily Perverted

Sex is easily perverted . . . * From making love to making whoopee . . . * From cherishing someone to getting some . . . * From laying your life down for the one you love to getting … Continue reading

Posted in belief, belief system, biblical, Biblical concept, brainwashed, brainwashing, brokenhearted, casual sex, challenges, closet, conscience, contemporary society, conviction, courage, deception, depravity, depression, disapproval, environment, exploitation, feelings, getting laid, getting some, guilt, honor, insight, inspiration, interactive, joy, laying your life down, lies, lifestyles, love, marriage, married sex, moral principles, moral restraints, morality, morals, myths, pornography, psychology, safe sex, seduction, seduction of self-destruction, self-control, self-destruction, self-discipline, self-focus, self-will, selfish desires, sexually confused, shreds, soul, soul mates, spiritual warfare, suffering, the best sex, tolerance, unhappiness, unkindness, values, victims, vulgarity, weddings | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The “Forgive Yourself” Myth

“Love yourself–accept yourself–forgive yourself–and be good to yourself.”  –a quote from popular American speaker and writer, Leo Buscaglia.  However, Jesus said:  “Deny yourself.”  Here’s why the popular idea of “forgiving yourself” is a myth: *  You are not the judge.  … Continue reading

Posted in accept yourself, Against You only have I sinned, American, belief, Bible, boundaries, brokenhearted, brokenness, change, Christ, Christ followers, Christ-centered, Christian, comfort, compassion, condemnation, confession, conscience, conversion, conviction of sin, corrupt culture, courtroom, deception, denial, deny yourself, devotion, disciple making, evil, false assurance, gift of God, God, God calling, God-shaped vacuum, godly sorrow, harmful habit, harmful thinking, hearing God, hearing Jesus, How do you plead?, Jesus, Jesus Christ, judge, judgment, justice, Les Brown, lifestyle Christianity, lifestyles, love yourself, moral principles, morality, morals, motivational speaker, myths, natural laws, pull of evil, Quotations, quote, Quotes, recovery, repent, repentance, right and wrong, right conduct, right living, self-esteem, self-focus, self-forgiveness, self-image, self-will, shame, sin, spiritual formation, surrender, surrender to God, wages of sin | Tagged , , , , , , , | 12 Comments

All The World’s A Stage Showering Us With Seductive Sounds & Scenes

William Shakespeare wrote:  “All the world’s a stage,” yet in his day the stage was very limited.  The only way to see theatrical entertainment or to hear music was to be in person at a live performance.  Nowadays, all the … Continue reading

Posted in All the world is a stage, anger, attitude, be transformed by the renewing of your mind, Bible, brain, brainwashed, casual sex, cesorship, compassion, complacency, compliance, compromise, conscience, contemporary, corrupt culture, cravings, criticism, cultural taboos, current events, destructive actions, disapproval, disdain, dishonesty, disrespect, Do not conform, electronic media, fear, hate speech, injury, lifestyles, live performance, married sex, mature language, meaninglessness, media circus, message, mind, modern myths, moral principles, moral restraints, morality, morals, myths, political attack ads, Quotations, quote, Quotes, rage, right and wrong, right conduct, right living, righteousness, seduction, seduction of self-destruction, self-focus, self-will, spiritual warfare, television, the stage, theater, theatrical entertainment, TV, TV network, unkindness, values, video, viewer discretion advised, violence, vulgarity, warning | Tagged , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

Respecting The Human Right To Disagree And/Or Disapprove

A human mind will sometimes disagree with the thoughts of other people.  A human conscience will at times disapprove of the behavior of others.  This is a basic fact and a fundamental human right that is accepted and understood by … Continue reading

Posted in adultery, alcohol, alternative lifestyle, and/or, answer to God, attitude, belief, belief system, Bible, Biblical concept, booze it up, boundaries, Chic-Fil-A, choice, compliance, contemporary, conviction of sin, corrupt culture, cravings, darkness, deeds, discipline, drinking, drunk, drunkenness, habit, hate, heavy drinking, lifestyles, love, modern myths, moral principles, moral restraints, morality, morals, myths, phobic, political correctness, popular culture, post-Christianity, reason, repentance, right and wrong, right conduct, right living, righteousness, Scriptures, sin, sobriety, thinking, thoughts, tolerance, Uncategorized, values, we have turned everyone to his own way | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment