Category Archives: religious tradition

Kingdom-Come, King-God-Ruled Meetings

Through out the night I was thinking about “the Kingdom of God.” A kingdom is where a king rules, so the Kingdom of God is where God, Himself rules. God’s rule doesn’t happen much on Earth, because of man’s rebellion. … Continue reading

Posted in Christopher Gorton, church, Matthew 18:20, Matthew 6:33, order of worship, organic church, quotation, Quotations, quote, Quotes, religious tradition, righteousness, Roman Empire, Roman history, Romans 14:17, seek ye first, simple church, the Kingdom of God is at hand, Whatever He says to you | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

No man ever steps into the same organic church meeting twice!

No man ever steps into the same organic church meeting twice, for it’s not the same meeting and he’s not the same man. The Holy Spirit’s leading is always fresh, alive, creative, life-changing, and renewing! Many churches use the same … Continue reading

Posted in church format, church meetings, church program, church programs, church structure, Give a man a fish and you feed him, hearing God, hearing Jesus, hearing the Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit promptings, house church, how to grow spiritually, led by the Spirit, listening, listening prayer, listening skills, listening to God, Nashville charity, Nashville church, No man ever steps into the same river twice, organic church, participation in church, participatory church, participatory culture, participatory sermons, Quench not the Spirit, Quotations, Quotes, religious ceremonies, religious tradition, Salvation Army, Salvation Army church, Salvation Army Corps, sayings, Spirit's flow, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, What is church?, wisdom | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Søren Kierkegaard Promoted Sermon-Free, Participatory Church

Søren Kierkegaard Promoted Sermon-Free, Participatory Church “Christianity should not be lectured about. Christ says, my teaching is food. Christ has not appointed assistant-professors — but followers.” –Søren Kierkegaard “The greatest possible error arises when we reduce the clergy to teachers. … Continue reading

Posted in acting, Christian community, church format, church meetings, church programs, church services, clergy, clergy/laity, clericalism, doctrine, dogma, eloquence, lecture, life, lifestyle Christianity, non-traditional church, nonconforming, obedience, open church, oratory, order of worship, organic church, participation in church, participatory church, preach without words, preacher, preaching, professors, quotation, quote, Quotes, reasoning, religion, religious academics, religious tradition, Søren Kierkegaard, sermon, sermon-free, sermon-hearing, sermons, simple church, teaching, witnesses | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Bold (Transformational) Words From John The Baptist

John, God’s greatest prophet, led the way for the living Jesus Christ by telling groups of people to:  “Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him.” Perhaps the 21st Century church could obey John and make room … Continue reading

Posted in 21st Century, Behold the Lamb of God, Bible, biblical, Christ, every mountain made low, Every valley shall be filled in, Father Abraham, forerunner, greatest prophet, He must increase, heirarchy, Holy Spirit, house church, I must decrease, Jesus, Jesus Christ, make straight paths, New International Version, New Testament, New Testament quote, organic church, out of stones God can raise up children of Abraham, Prepare the way of the Lord, quotation, Quotations, quote, religious tradition, simple church, sins, spirit, takes away the sins of the world, the ax is at the root of the trees | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

From Independence Day to Dependence Day

Most people around the world know that the 4th of July is American Independence Day — when we relish the thought of being free from reliance on others.  However, perhaps we need to get beyond July 4th and acknowledge July … Continue reading

Posted in American patriotism, American values, Americans, Christian values, Christianity, freedom, history, holidays, humility, kingdom of God, kingdom values, religious innovation, religious tradition, spiritual, spiritual healing, spiritual life, spirituality, values | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

The Pope & The General

Quotations from Pope Francis of the Catholic Church and General Linda Bond of The Salvation Army: First General Bond: “A Spirit-filled Army tells the gospel story faithfully and trustingly, believing that there is power in the name of Jesus, power … Continue reading

Posted in Christian, Christian history, church, church leader, church leadership, clergy, commitment, communion, faith, faith in God, faith-based, faithfulness, God, godliness, Holy Father, Holy see, Holy Spirit, human leadership, humility, Jesus, Jesus Christ, quote, Quotes, religion, religious information, religious talks, religious tradition, Roman Catholic, Salvation Army church, viewpoint, views, witness, word of wisdom, words | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Liturgy & The Letter-G Word

Liturgy can present the letter-G word:  God. However knowing God personally is much more than a word or a ritual.  It requires direct encounter followed by daily surrender to and obedience to His will. Liturgy began as spiritual life, as … Continue reading

Posted in Bible, bowing, chanting, God, habit, knowing God personally, memory, relationship with God, religious academics, religious ceremonies, religious information, religious innovation, religious talks, religious tradition, revelation, revival, Scriptures, singing, the g-word | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

4 Days With The Monks @ The Abbey Of Gethsemani

Words I wrote last night in a monastery: I’m sitting in a monk’s room (I think they call it a cell,) that’s been mine for my 4 night visit to the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky. There’s no TV, no … Continue reading

Posted in Kentucky, Kentucky tourism, monasticism, religion, religious ceremonies, religious relic, religious tradition, spiritual, spiritual formation, Trappist | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Use Words! Talk About Religion! Testify!

Church is not carefully crafted and controlled ceremonies.  It is a symphony of spontaneous, heart-felt testimonies.  It’s not what we’ve planned, learned, and memorized; but what we have seen and heard! Unfortunately, the work of the living God in human … Continue reading

Posted in If necessary use words, let the redeemed of the Lord say so, living out the Gospel, power, preach without words, preaching, preaching the Word, prompted by the Spirit, religion, religious ceremonies, religious information, religious talks, religious tradition, ritual, salvation, Salvation Army church, Salvation Army Corps, Salvationists, shout it from the housetops, speaking out, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, spiritual, spiritual awakening, spiritual church, spiritual flow, spiritual formation, story, testimonies, testimony, TN, What I tell you in secret | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Church gets exciting when God takes the reins and redirects routine religion!

Church becomes powerful when passive people become participatory and begin to passionately pursue and obey the prompting of the Holy Spirit! Church gets exciting when God takes the reins and redirects routine religion!

Posted in church buildings, church format, church meetings, church program, church programs, church roles, church services, church structure, God takes the reigns, religion, religious ceremonies, religious information, religious innovation, religious tradition, routine, routine religion, simple church | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment