Category Archives: godliness

Lookin’ like a Christian?


Posted in character, faithfulness, gentleness, godliness, goodness, inner peace, joy, kindness, love, patience, peace, self-control, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Let’s go beyond church to the fruit of the Spirit!

Let’s Let’s go beyond church conflict, competition, and control — to the fruit of the Spirit: * Love * Joy * Peace * Patience * Kindness * Goodness * Faithfulness * Gentleness * Spirit-Controlled Self *

Posted in a cause beyond yourself, alternative lifestyle, Beyond Church, characteristics of a Christian, faith, faithfulness, faithfulness to Christ, gentleness, godliness, goodness, kindness, lifestyle Christianity, lifestyles, lovingkindness, moral character, organic chruch, patience, self-control, self-denial, Train yourself unto godliness., Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Amazing Process of Grace

“God loves you, but not the dumb things you do.”  (Does anyone never do dumb things?) The dumb things we think, say, or do separate us from God. But God offers us an intimate relationship with Him through the process … Continue reading

Posted in for by grace your are saved, forgiveness, gives grace to the humble, God resists the proud, God's grace, godliness, godly sorrow, grace card, grace definition, grace of God, growing in grace, growth in grace, holiness, living in grace, repent, repentance, sanctification, saved, saved by grace, sinfulness, sinner, sinning, sins, sinsanity, understanding grace, wages of sin, what is grace | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Living Water Surge Protectors Limit Pentecostal Power

Religious surge protectors can suppress (quench) the flowing of the Holy Spirit both in churches and in individuals. Paul of Tarsus put it this way: “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof, from such turn away.” A … Continue reading

Posted in Apostle Paul, Bible, Bible concepts, Bible quotes, denying the power thereof, flow, flow of the Spirit, flowing of the Holy Spirit, from such turn away, godliness, having a form of godliness, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit flow, John, John 17:38, John the Beloved, New Testament, New Testament quote, out of your inner most being, Paul of Tarsus, rivers of living water, spirit, Spirit of Truth, Spirit's flow, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, Spirit-led church, Spirit-prompted, spiritual, spiritual flow, spiritual formation, spiritual growth, spiritual healing, spiritual innovation, spiritual life, spiritual listening, spiritual movement, spiritual presence, spiritual training, spiritual transformation, spiritual walk, spiritual worship | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

The Pope & The General

Quotations from Pope Francis of the Catholic Church and General Linda Bond of The Salvation Army: First General Bond: “A Spirit-filled Army tells the gospel story faithfully and trustingly, believing that there is power in the name of Jesus, power … Continue reading

Posted in Christian, Christian history, church, church leader, church leadership, clergy, commitment, communion, faith, faith in God, faith-based, faithfulness, God, godliness, Holy Father, Holy see, Holy Spirit, human leadership, humility, Jesus, Jesus Christ, quote, Quotes, religion, religious information, religious talks, religious tradition, Roman Catholic, Salvation Army church, viewpoint, views, witness, word of wisdom, words | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Religion Is Ritual — Faith Is Fire (How John Wesley Caught On Fire For God))

Religion is routine ritual, faith is flaming fire.  “I set myself on fire, and people come to see me burn.”  –John Wesley The fire that burned in John Wesley sparked the Holiness Movement that changed nations and led to many … Continue reading

Posted in alternative lifestyle, change, Christ, Christianity, conversion, convert, conviction, denominations, doubts, England, English, evil, faith, fire, fire of the Holy Spirit, fuel, God, godliness, having a form of godliness, hearing God, hearing Jesus, holy, I set myself on fire, inner peace, inner rivers, intimacy, Jesus, Jesus Christ, life, lifestyle Christianity, lifestyles, Methodist class meeting, Methodist revivalists, Methodists, Nazarene, pentecostals, recovery, red hot, relevation, religious ceremonies, religious tradition, repentance, salvation, Salvation Army church, Salvation Army Corps, Salvationists, saved, spiritual, spiritual awakening, spiritual formation, testimonies, testimony, The Salvation Army | Tagged , , , , , | 8 Comments

Olympics — Thoughts For Spiritual Athletes

Life’s not about achievement.  It’s not about how many medals you (or your country) win.  Life’s about aligning yourself to God and to His will. That’s what matters most in the long haul. “If Christians were putting into their spiritual … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Corinthians 9:25, 1 Timothy 4:7, alternative lifestyle, ancient Olympics, asceticism, ascetics, athletes, attitude, belief, belief system, burning heart, Christ, Christ-centered, Christian, Christian community, courage, disciple making, discipline, discipling, glory, God, godliness, guilt, guts and glory, I Corinthians 9:25, I Timothy 4:7, idealism, inward change, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Jesus is Lord, life, lifestyle Christianity, lifestyles, Lord, monastery, monastics, mystery, mysticism, Olympic athletes, Olympic medals, prayer, presence of Christ, Quotations, quote, Quotes, religious ceremonies, right conduct, sacrifice, saved, Savior, self-discipline, self-help, soul, Spirit-led, spiritual, spiritual awakening, spiritual combat, spiritual disciplines, spiritual formation, spiritual growth, spiritual skills, spiritual walk, spiritual warfare, surrender to God, tebow, tebowing, training, Warren Wiersbe, Why be a Christian? | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments